Sunday Talks
For talks chosen by facilitators on Sunday mornings. Notifications should not go out via RSS.
June 7, 2020. Day of Mindfulness with Ajahn Viradhammo
Four talks from Ajahn Viradhammo given during the Day of Mindfulness on June 7, 2020.
May 31, 2020. Readings from The Body, by Ajahn Sundara and Ajahn Candasiri
Excerpts from The Body, Dhamma Reflections on Ageing, Sickness and Death by Ajahn Sundara and Ajahn Candasiri
May 24, 2020. Meditation and Dhamma Talk with Ayya Medhanandi
A guided meditation and dhamma talk, given by Ayya Medhanandi to the Theravada Buddhist Community on May 24, 2020.