Events and News
Upcoming Events
April 2025 Meditation Retreat with Venerable Amarsiri
This retreat is offered by the Buddha Vihara Ambedkar Mission.
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Date Sunday Meeting Day of Mindfulness Details Jan 7 Ayya Anuruddha 10am – 11am Feb 11 Jim Bedard 10am – 12pm Mar 31 Ayya Ahimsa 10am – 11am Apr 21 Randall Baker 10am – 12pm May...
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Hosted by
the Theravada Buddhist Community
Ayyā Medhānandī & Ayyā Nimmalā
November 8th & 9th, 2024

Ayyā Medhānandī is the guiding teacher and founder of Sati Sāraniya Hermitage, the first Theravāda bhikkhuni monastery in Canada. She was ordained as an alms mendicant nun in 1988 at the Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha, Myanmar, with most Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita. In 2007, she fulfilled her long-held wish for bhikkhuni ordination in Taiwan. All the spiritual tests of her life have ignited in her an unrelenting faith in the Buddha’s teachings.
Ayyā Nimmalā started her training as a Theravada Buddhist nun in Ottawa, in 2008, with Ayyā Medhānandī as her teacher. She became a samaneri (10-precept novice nun) in 2010 and took full ordination as a bhikkhuni in 2011. She currently resides at Sati Saraniya Hermitage in Perth, Ontario.
Retreat Information
Friday, November 8th
7:15 pm – 9:15 pm EST
Doors open at 7:00 pm
7:15 pm – 7:30 pm Retreat introduction, Opening Chants
7:30 pm – 8:15 pm Meditation
8:15 pm – 9:15 pm Dhamma Talk, Q & A, Closing Chants
Saturday, November 9th
9:00 am – 3:30 pm EST
Doors open at 8:30 am
9:00 am – 9:15 am. Opening Chants, Taking Three Refuges & The Five Precepts
9:15 am – 10:00 am Meditation
10:00 am – 10:45 am Dhamma Reflections
10:45 am – 12:15 pm Lunch
12:15 pm – 1:00 pm Walking or Seated Meditation
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Dhamma Talk, Q & A, Metta Meditation
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Sharing of Blessings, Closing Chants
Friends House (Quaker House)
60 Lowther Avenue, Toronto, On, M5R 1C
Noble Silence: The retreat will be held in noble silence
Meditation Supports: Please bring your own meditation cushion, mat, bench, etc. Chairs will be available. Note: The floor does not have carpeting.
TTC and Parking: Located near St. George Subway Station. GreenP parking options are in the area
Venue Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible
Lunch Break: We will break for lunch between 11:30 am – 12:30 pm. Please bring your own lunch or purchase one from a take-out restaurant in the area.
Cost: By donation. Tax receipts are provided for all donations $20 and over. Various payment methods will be available at the door.
Registration: The session will be offered in-person and online. Because there is a limit on the number of people the room can accommodate, we are asking people who would like to attend in-person to register ahead of time. If you are joining online there is no need to register.
Attending In-Person
If you register and find that you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make your space available for another person. You can let us know through the Contact Us form on the Home Page.
Attending Online:
If you are unable to join in-person, we are happy to provide an online option using Zoom. To join our Zoom Meeting, click on this link:
TBC Online Zoom Session
If prompted, use this password: 047375
If you haven’t done so already, you may be prompted to install the Zoom application. When the application is finished installing, you will join an online room where our session takes place. You can then click on join with audio and camera.
Zoom telephone numbers for Canada, if connecting by phone:
(Meeting ID: 741 749 355, Password: 883290)+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
+1 778 907 2071

TBC is happy to announce that Ayyā Medhānandī and Ayyā Nimmalā will be joining us in-person Sunday morning on November 10, following the two-day retreat at Quaker House on the Friday and Saturday. They will be offering a Dhamma talk and afterwards there will be an opportunity to share lunch together.
Ayyā Medhānandī is the guiding teacher and founder of Sati Sāraniya Hermitage, the first Theravāda bhikkhuni monastery in Canada. She was ordained as an alms mendicant nun in 1988 at the Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha, Myanmar, with most Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita. In 2007, she fulfilled her long-held wish for bhikkhuni ordination in Taiwan. All the spiritual tests of her life have ignited in her an unrelenting faith in the Buddha’s teachings.
Ayyā Nimmalā started her training as a Theravada Buddhist nun in Ottawa, in 2008, with Ayyā Medhānandī as her teacher. She became a samaneri (10-precept novice nun) in 2010 and took full ordination as a bhikkhuni in 2011. She currently resides at Sati Saraniya Hermitage in Perth, Ontario.
More information about the two-day retreat at Quaker House is available here.
Teaching at TBC
Date: Sunday, November 10th, 2024
Schedule: (Please note we are starting at 9:00 am, rather than our usual 10:00 am start time)
9:00 am – 9:45 am
Opening chants
9:45 am – 10:45 am
Dhamma talk and Q & A
Closing chants
Online program ends
In-person program continues:
11:00 am Dana offering
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Community Lunch
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Informal Discussion
1:00 pm – Ayyas depart to Sati Saraniya Hermitage
If you are staying for lunch, please bring your own lunch or purchase one from a take-out restaurant nearby.
Venue: Carrot Commons Building, 348 Danforth Avenue, Room 212, Toronto, Ontario. The entrance to the building is on Danforth Avenue, west of the door to the Book City bookstore. The Chester subway is right around the corner to the east on Chester Avenue.
Accessibility: There is a stairlift that goes up the side of the stairs. Unfortunately, there is no elevator. Washrooms are available on the second floor.
Cost: by donation.
Registration: The session will be offered in-person and online. Because there is a limit on the number of people the room can accommodate, we are asking people who would like to attend in-person to register ahead of time. If you are joining online there is no need to register.
Ayyas Sunday at TBC
Attending Online:
If you are unable to join in-person, we are happy to provide an online option using Zoom. To join our Zoom Meeting, click on this link:
TBC Online Zoom Session
If prompted, use this password: 883290
If you haven’t done so already, you may be prompted to install the Zoom application. When the application is finished installing, you will join an online room where our session takes place. You can then click on join with audio and camera.
Zoom telephone numbers for Canada, if connecting by phone:
(Meeting ID: 741 749 355, Password: 883290)+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
+1 778 907 2071
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
This year’s AGM will be held at our regular meeting place in the Carrot Commons, on Sunday, September 29, at 12:15 pm. We’ll have a short break at the end of the morning’s session to pick up a quick lunch to bring back to the meeting.
You’re welcome to join either in-person or online. If joining online, you can use the same Zoom link as the regular Sunday morning sessions.
The agenda for the meeting and other material can be found online at this link. More items will be added or updated as they become available.
Everyone is invited to join the meeting, but only members are able to vote. For more information about membership with TBC, please click here.
If you have any questions about any of the agenda items, we encourage you to ask them ahead of time to help focus the discussion during the meeting. You can leave your questions or comments for the Board in the Contact Us form at the bottom of the home page, or speak to a Board member directly. The Board members are Marjorie (Chair), Michael (Treasurer), Janice, Lynn, Eleanor, Jody and Tim.
We hope to see you there!

TBC is happy to announce that Tan Amarasiri will be visiting Toronto in late August and will be joining us in-person Sunday morning on August 25. He will be offering a dhamma talk and afterwards there will be an opportunity to share lunch together.
Amarasiri Bhikkhu (formerly Siddarth Deepak) was born and raised in Chennai, India. His education and career led him to live in many parts of the world. Venerable Amarasiri moved to Toronto in 2009 and attended a Vipassana retreat in the Goenka Tradition where he was inspired by the teachings and practice of Theravada Buddhism. On his very first visit to Tisarana, his interaction with Ajahn Viradhammo impacted Ven. Amarasiri to commit to Theravadin Monastic life. He subsequently took Anagarika precepts on the 29th of November 2016, Samanera Precepts on 20th September 2017 and was accepted into the Bhikkhu Sangha on September 16, 2018, with Luang Por Viradhammo as Preceptor.
Tan Amarasiri will be also leading a two day retreat with the Ambedkar Mission Buddhist Community August 23-24. More information is available here.
Teaching at TBC
Date: Sunday, August 25, 2024
Schedule (Please note that we are starting at 9:30, rather than our usual 10:00 start time):
Introduction and Meditation
Dhamma Talk and Q&A
Online session ends
In-person only:
Dana offering
Informal discussion
Program ends
If you are staying for lunch, please bring your own lunch or purchase one from a take-out restaurant nearby.
Venue: Carrot Commons Building, 348 Danforth Avenue, Room 212, Toronto, Ontario. The entrance to the building is on Danforth Avenue, west of the door to the Book City bookstore. The Chester subway is right around the corner to the east on Chester Avenue.
Accessibility: There is a stairlift that goes up the side of the stairs. Unfortunately, there is no elevator. Washrooms are available on the second floor.
Cost: by donation.
Registration: The session will be offered in-person and online. Because there is a limit on the number of people the room can accommodate, we are asking people who would like to attend in-person to register ahead of time. If you are joining online there is no need to register.
Register for Tan Amarasiri’s Visit
Attending Online:
If you are unable to join in-person, we are happy to provide an online option using Zoom. To join our Zoom Meeting, click on this link:
TBC Online Zoom Session
If prompted, use this password: 883290
If you haven’t done so already, you may be prompted to install the Zoom application. When the application is finished installing, you will join an online room where our session takes place. You can then click on join with audio and camera.
Zoom telephone numbers for Canada, if connecting by phone:
(Meeting ID: 741 749 355, Password: 883290)+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
+1 778 907 2071
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
Friday, August 23 – 7PM to 8:30 PM; Saturday, August 24
PHONE: Nithya (416)-948-7342 Usha Heer (416)-871-9843 Suriayani (416)-878-1253

Ven. Amarasiri
Amarasiri Bhikkhu was born and raised in Chennai, India. His education and career led him to live in many parts of the world. Ven. Amarasiri moved to Toronto in 2009 and attended a Vipassana retreat in the Goenka Tradition where he was inspired by the teachings and practice of Theravada Buddhism. On his very first visit to Tisarana, his interaction with Luang Por Viradhammo impacted Ven. Amarasiri to commit to the Theravadin Monastic life. He subsequently took Anagarika precepts in November 2016, Samanera Precepts in September 2017 and was accepted into the Bhikkhu
Sangha in September 2018 with Luang Por Viradhammo as Preceptor.
Program Schedule:
Event: Meditation and Full Moon Day Puja
Dates: Friday, August 23 – 7PM to 8:30 PM; Saturday, August 24 – Full Moon Day Puja
Schedule – August 23
Opening chants
Guided Meditation
Dhamma Talk followed by Q&A
Closing chants
Schedule – August 24
8:30 – 9:15 AM – Opening Chants, Observing 5 Precepts, Short Talk
9:15 – 10 AM – Guided Meditation
10 – 10:15 AM – Break
10:15 – 11 AM – Silent Meditation
11 AM – 1 PM – Lunch Break
1 – 1:45 PM – Chanting followed by meditation
1:45 – 2 PM – Break
2 – 3 PM – Dhamma Talk followed by Q&A
3-PM – Closing Chants
7 – 8:30 PM – Full Moon Day Puja
Register for this event:
What's New
Announcements, web site updates, and general news of interest to TBC members
We meet every Sunday at 10:00 am at the Carrot Commons building, located at 348 Danforth Ave in Toronto, and would love to have you join us. We are in Room 212, located on the second floor. The entrance to the building is on Danforth Ave., just beside the door to the Book City bookstore. The Chester subway station is right around the corner.
For those with difficulty managing stairs, there is a stairlift that goes up the side of the stairs that can be used. Unfortunately there isn’t an elevator. Washrooms are available on the second floor.
For more information on our Sunday sessions, see our Visiting TBC page.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
If you are unable to join in-person, we are happy to provide an online option using Zoom. To join our Zoom Meeting, click on this link:
TBC Online Zoom Session
If prompted, use this password: 883290
If you haven’t done so already, you may be prompted to install the Zoom application. When the application is finished installing, you will join an online room where our session takes place. You can then click on join with audio and camera.
Zoom telephone numbers for Canada, if connecting by phone:
(Meeting ID: 741 749 355, Password: 883290)+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
+1 778 907 2071
We’re happy to let everyone know that we have a new location for our Sunday morning meetings. Starting Sunday, October 22, 2023, we’ll be gathering together at the Carrot Commons building, located at 348 Danforth Ave in Toronto. We will be in Room 212, located on the second floor. The entrance to the building is on Danforth Ave., just beside the door to the Book City bookstore. The Chester subway station is right around the corner.
For those with difficulty managing stairs, there is a stairlift that goes up the side of the stairs that can be used. Unfortunately there isn’t an elevator. Washrooms are available on the second floor.
If you are unable to join in-person, we are providing an online option via Zoom.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
We invite all who are able to join our Sunday meetings in-person at our new location at the Carrot Commons in Toronto. If you’re unable to join in-person, we are continuing to provide an online option via Zoom.
Sessions will start at 10:00 am, but please arrive or connect a few minutes ahead of time to be ready when we start.
To join our Zoom Meeting, click on this link:
TBC Online Zoom Session
If prompted, use this password: 883290
If you haven’t done so already, you may be prompted to install the Zoom application. When the application is finished installing, you will join an online room where our session takes place. You can then click on join with audio and camera.
We hope to see you this Sunday.
Zoom telephone numbers for Canada, if connecting by phone:
(Meeting ID: 741 749 355, Password: 883290)+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
+1 778 907 2071
On October 17, 2021 there was a celebratory gathering on Zoom to honour the 10-year anniversary of three Bhikkhunis, Ayya Anandabodhi, Ayya Nimmala and Ayya Santacitta. They will each have the honorary title of ‘Thera’, meaning ‘elder’, to honour their 10 years in robes.
TBC is very proud of Ayya Nimmala who trained at Sati Saraniya Hermitage in Perth, Ontario but then moved to Vancouver to care for her aging parents. She is the first Canadian bhikkhuni to be ordained in North America.
The video is very long. Some of the highlights include:
- Slide show of 2011 ordination – 0:43
- Talk by Ayya Medhanandi – 1:26:50
- Talk by Ayya Anandabodhi – 1:34
- Talk by Ayya Santacitta – 1:41:10
- Talk by Ayya Nimmala – 1:47
- Pali Chanting honouring the first Bhikkhunis – 2:09
This year’s AGM will be held on Sunday, November 14, at 12 o’clock following the morning session. We will be using the same Zoom link as the morning session.
Here’s the agenda for the meeting and the material for the agenda items. More items will be added as they become available.
- 2021 Draft Agenda
- 2020 AGM Draft Minutes
- TBC Governance Proposal
- Diversity and Inclusivity Committee Recommendations
- 2020 Financial Statements
- Activity Reports:
If you have any questions about any of these items, we encourage you to ask them ahead of time to help focus the discussion during the meeting. You can leave your questions or comments for the Steering Committee in the Contact Us form at the bottom of this page.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the survey! We’re very happy with the number of people who responded and greatly appreciate the thoughtfulness you put into your responses.
The survey ran from May 2 to May 14, 2021 and was completed by 31 respondents, with a good representation of new and old members of TBC. People were notified of the survey at a Community Meeting on May 2, through Sunday announcements, a website announcement, and direct email to 54 recipients. A copy of the survey can be found here.
The purpose of the survey was to get a better understanding of the will of the TBC community with respect to how decisions get made at TBC, and how the Steering Committee can best support this. In particular, we asked about the division of decision-making responsibilities between the whole community at AGM’s or community meetings, the Steering Committee, and the individuals Leads and Volunteers who provide our programs.
The Steering Committee is using this information to put together a Proposed Governance Model for TBC. The TBC community will have an opportunity to review the proposal and vote on it at the next AGM this Fall.
Overall Decision-Making Model
A strong majority of respondents indicated that their preferred overall model is:
The Steering Committee makes decisions to implement the direction of AGM and Community Meetings

The next most common response was by those who chose the “Other” option and suggested that it should be a combination of the Steering Committee and the Leads that make decisions for TBC.
What Types of Decisions Should Each Level Make?
A series of questions were asked to help identify what types of decisions should be made by the AGM/Community Meetings, the Steering Committee, or by the Leads. There was a range of responses but most common answers fell into these areas:
Type of Decisions to be made by AGM/Community Meetings
- Decisions affecting the Strategic Direction of TBC, such as:
- Mission Statement
- Membership
- Charitable Status
- Approving Annual Budgets
- Changing the start time of our Sunday Sessions
- Having social events
Type of Decisions to be made by Steering Committee
- Decisions about TBC programs, such as:
- for Sunday sessions
- Choosing a meeting location
- Selecting Sunday Facilitators
- Deciding about remote access
- for Days of Mindfulness:
- Choosing a location for Days of Mindfulness
- Deciding about fees for Days of Mindfulness
- Deciding about collaborating with other groups
- for Sunday sessions
- Decisions about whether to offer new initiatives, such as:
- Supporting diversity and inclusivity
- Offering meditation instruction
- Providing activities to welcome new members
- Offering a monthly newsletter
- Approving financial expenditures for activities
Type of Decisions to be made by Leads/Volunteers
- For Sunday sessions:
- Choosing the chants used
- Selecting the dhamma teachers
- For Days of Mindfulness:
- Selecting teachers
- Setting the length of the sessions
- For Communications:
- providing social media updates
- making email announcements
Other Questions
- Number of Community Meetings – Most respondents said that would like an annual AGM and 1-3 Community Meetings during the year if needed
- Consultation with the Community – Most respondents said that they were happy with the level of consultation they are currently receiving about TBC decisions
- Other Comments:
- 3 comments stressed the importance of supporting and empowering individual volunteers and leads
- 3 comments said there’s a need to balance the work load and protect people from burnout
- 2 comments spoke about the need to recognize the legal responsibilities and authority of the Board of Directors
- 2 comments stressed the need for accountability of the leadership to the community
- many other individual comments and suggestions were made as well and are being considered as we move forward
Video recordings of dhamma talks from recent Days of Mindfulness with Monastics are now available for viewing on the website:
- Ajahn Punnadhammo – May 16, 2021
- Ajahn Viradhammo – April 18, 2021
- Venerable Khemako – August 9, 2020
As well, here are recent recordings of teachings from Monastics at our Sunday sessions
- Ayya Santussika – March 14, 2021
- Ajahn Pavaro – October 18, 2020

The Theravada Buddhist Community would like to invite you to
a Day of Mindfulness on Sunday, May 16, 2021
with Ajahn Punnadhammo.
Ajahn Punnadhammo lives and teaches at Arrow River Forest Hermitage and meditation centre near Thunder Bay. He has been studying and practising Buddhism since 1979.
Ajahn Punnadhammo began his studies under Kema Ananda, the founder and first teacher at Arrow River. After this, he went to Thailand and was ordained in the forest tradition of Ajahn Chah in 1990. Between 1990 and 1995 he was based at Wat Pah Nanachat, Thailand. In 1995 he returned to Canada to assume the management of Arrow River Forest Hermitage. Ajahn Punnadhammo is a skilled and popular meditation teacher who leads retreats and shares dhamma on his YouTube channel.
Please join the Zoom meeting around 8:45 AM EDT
To join our Zoom Meeting, click on this link:
TBC Online Zoom Session
Password: 883290
Meeting ID: 741 749 355
Zoom telephone numbers for Canada, if connecting by phone:
+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
+1 778 907 2071
If you would like to make a donation to the Arrow River Forest Hermitage for this event, please use the TBC donation page and include a message that the donation is for Ajahn Punnadhammo’s Day of Mindfulness. 100% of all donations will be given to the Hermitage.
No registration is required. This day includes meditation, mindfulness instruction and Dhamma talks. The chants we’ll be using during the session will be displayed on the Zoom screen at the appropriate times.
We look forward to you joining us on Sunday, May 16, 2021.
Day of Mindfulness With Ajahn Punnadhammo
Sunday, May 16, 2021
8:45 AM – 8:55 EDT. Zoom Check-In
8:55 – 9:00. Announcements and Introduction of Ajahn Punnadhammo
9:00 – 9:15. Opening Chants and Greetings
9:15 – 9:45. Meditation
9:45 – 10:15. Reflections on a Buddhist Sutta or Teaching
10:15 – 11:00. Meditation
11:00 – 12:40 PM. Lunch Break (Zoom will remain open)
12:40 – 12:45. Announcements
12:45 – 1:30. Meditation
1:30 – 2:15. Dhamma Talk
2:15 – 3:00. Questions and Answers
3:00 – 3:45. Meditation
3:45 – 3:55. Sharing of Merit and Closing Chants
TBC is reviewing how we make decisions in our community and is looking for input from current and past members.
Every year people at TBC make decisions about how we want our group to operate. We have Annual General Meetings and periodic Community Meetings. Those involved in running an activity make decisions about it, and some activities have Leads to help manage them. Last year a Steering Committee was established at the AGM to help guide our group between AGM’s.
The purpose of this survey is to get input from TBC participants about how you would like to see decisions made in our community, and to help clarify how the Steering Committee can support this. We will use this information to put together a decision-making model that will be presented for review and approval at a future Community Meeting.
If you’ve attended TBC in the past or are attending now, we would be grateful if you could spend 5 to 10 minutes completing the linked survey below.
Thanks from the TBC Steering Committee!
To complete the survey, click this link: