July 14, 2024 – Jack Kornfield, “The Inspiration of Dipa Ma”

“In this episode, Jack lovingly reflects on:

  • His times with the great yogi and spiritual master, Dipa Ma Barua
  • Miracle stories and spiritual lessons of Dipa Ma
  • How the suffering in Dipa Ma’s life drew her to Buddhism and meditation
  • Dipa Ma’s siddhis (spiritual/psychic powers) and compassionate shining heart
  • A life-changing story of Jack being blessed by Dipa Ma
  • Her grandmotherly loving kindness
  • Dipa Ma’s favorite spiritual questions

This Dharma Talk from 11/01/1989 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.”

– text extracted from https://jackkornfield.com/heart-wisdom-ep-230-the-inspiration-of-dipa-ma/, September 15, 2024.