TBC is happy to announce that Tan Amarasiri will be visiting Toronto in late August and will be joining us in-person Sunday morning on August 25. He will be offering a dhamma talk and afterwards there will be an opportunity to share lunch together.
Amarasiri Bhikkhu (formerly Siddarth Deepak) was born and raised in Chennai, India. His education and career led him to live in many parts of the world. Venerable Amarasiri moved to Toronto in 2009 and attended a Vipassana retreat in the Goenka Tradition where he was inspired by the teachings and practice of Theravada Buddhism. On his very first visit to Tisarana, his interaction with Ajahn Viradhammo impacted Ven. Amarasiri to commit to Theravadin Monastic life. He subsequently took Anagarika precepts on the 29th of November 2016, Samanera Precepts on 20th September 2017 and was accepted into the Bhikkhu Sangha on September 16, 2018, with Luang Por Viradhammo as Preceptor.
Tan Amarasiri will be also leading a two day retreat with the Ambedkar Mission Buddhist Community August 23-24. More information is available here.
Teaching at TBC
Date: Sunday, August 25, 2024
Schedule (Please note that we are starting at 9:30, rather than our usual 10:00 start time):
Introduction and Meditation
Dhamma Talk and Q&A
Online session ends
In-person only:
Dana offering
Informal discussion
Program ends
If you are staying for lunch, please bring your own lunch or purchase one from a take-out restaurant nearby.
Venue: Carrot Commons Building, 348 Danforth Avenue, Room 212, Toronto, Ontario. The entrance to the building is on Danforth Avenue, west of the door to the Book City bookstore. The Chester subway is right around the corner to the east on Chester Avenue.
Accessibility: There is a stairlift that goes up the side of the stairs. Unfortunately, there is no elevator. Washrooms are available on the second floor.
Cost: by donation.
Registration: The session will be offered in-person and online. Because there is a limit on the number of people the room can accommodate, we are asking people who would like to attend in-person to register ahead of time. If you are joining online there is no need to register.
Register for Tan Amarasiri’s Visit
Attending Online:
If you are unable to join in-person, we are happy to provide an online option using Zoom. To join our Zoom Meeting, click on this link:
TBC Online Zoom Session
If prompted, use this password: 883290
If you haven’t done so already, you may be prompted to install the Zoom application. When the application is finished installing, you will join an online room where our session takes place. You can then click on join with audio and camera.
Zoom telephone numbers for Canada, if connecting by phone:
(Meeting ID: 741 749 355, Password: 883290)+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
+1 647 558 0588
+1 778 907 2071
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!