Note: TBC is posting this on behalf of the Wednesday Dhamma Meeting Group, an independent offering.

Everyone is welcome to join us for our weekly online Wednesday dhamma meetings 6:30-8:30pm ET. We focus on monastic and lay teachings and practices in the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
Please feel free to drop in for the first and/or second half of the meetings. If you are attending for the first time, please respond to this email. This is a free offering.
Our meetings begin with welcoming and greeting, dedications and a group recitation of the three refuges and five lay ethical precepts (optional). We then have a 45 minute guided meditation. After a short break, we have a dhamma reflection to begin our discussion. We end with chanting or a short guided loving kindness (mettā) and compassion (karuna) practice.
Next week Wednesday March 1st we will begin a new dhamma reading: The Breakthrough by Ajahn Amaro. This is a collection of dhamma reflections, contemplations and practices based on the Thai Forest tradition of Ajahn Chah.
Ajahn Amaro
Next week we will read chapter 1 “A Foundation for Lovingkindness,” pp. 17-42 found here: The Breakthrough
For our dhamma discussion – please choose a quote, word or passage to share. ?
The guiding questions for our dhamma discussion will be:
1)What is the Buddha’s teaching?
2) How does this dhamma teaching relate to our life and practice?
To join, please click on the❄ NEW ❄ zoom link below:
Meeting ID: 826 6339 8451
Passcode: 063919
We look forward to meeting with you!
with metta ?
Upāsikā Mittā, Ph.D. (Eleanor)
Group lead