Welcome To The

Theravada Buddhist Community

~A Toronto Based Lay Community~

About TBC

We are the Theravada Buddhist Community, also known as TBC. We’re a peer-led group of Buddhist practitioners from the Toronto area who meet regularly to meditate, listen to teachings and support one another in our practice.
Our community is rooted in the Theravada tradition which is the oldest branch of Buddhism dating back to the Buddha himself. We specifically follow the teachings of Ajahn Chah’s Forest Tradition of Thailand and are also formally connected as spiritual friends to Tisarana Forest Monastery and Satisaraniya Hermitage, both located about 20 minutes from Perth, Ontario, Canada.

Visiting TBC

Everyone is welcome to join us in our weekly gathering which meets each Sunday morning from 10:00 am to 12:00.

There are no prior conditions required for participation with us except the willingness to sit comfortably, quietly and mindfully in silence on either a chair or cushion for 45 minutes. You are most welcome to bring your own meditation cushion and mat.


We are fortunate to have Monks and Nuns in the Theravada tradition join us at times, either in person for short retreats or via video conferences for dhamma talks. Visit our Announcements page to see what’s coming up, as well as anything new on the website.

Supporting TBC

The Theravada tradition of Buddhism offers the Dhamma (teaching) for free, so there are no formal fees or charges for participating with us. Our sangha, however, is fully dependent on the dana (willing support) of its participants, especially for our weekly space rental fees, and so financial donations are gladly welcomed.
A dana box is available at our Sunday meetings, and you can make donations to the Theravada Buddhist Community using our secure form provided through Canada Helps.


Our Resources page has a variety of things to support your practice, including dhamma talks from retreats, links to other Buddhist sites, and readings to download.
A dhamma talk from Ajahn Sumedho, a senior monk in the Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah
Reflections on the life and teachings of Ajahn Chah by Ajahn Cattamalo

Contact Us
(We'd love to hear from you!)

Want to Stay in Touch?
Sign up for occasional emails and announcements

TBC on Social Media

Where We Meet

Carrot Common
348 Danforth Avenue, Toronto
Room 212

The entrance door is on Danforth Avenue, just to the left of Book City.